Loving the landscape Winter scene, Ethereal blue hills, Dashes of trees, The pink light, Many feelings, Come over me, Maybe it’s the weather, Or the changing seasons, North Dorset. Poem by Samantha Adams. The landscape always surprises me every day.
Frosty landscape Evolving , Mist, Of coldness, Covering, The blue hills, Of North Dorset. Poem of my inspiration of a cold and frosty morning over the North Dorset countryside . All enquiries email sampoppy71@hotmail.com or phone 0174785156 on the gallery phone .All my original watercolours are available for sale on […]
The Golden time has appeared over the woodland by the River Stour in the Blackmoor Vale of North Dorset.The trees are now sparse with there structures unveiled before me.What a wonderful time to see its beauty at sunset to dusk with reflections,peacefulness and warmth. My words and feelings. Why not […]
Remembering my honeymoon experience in Scotland .Such a special time in my life turning 45 and getting married ,why had it taken so long ?.Thats just life I guess,reflecting back over all the visions in my imagination of all the places we passed through and this was an area called […]
The old Goat Willow Pale custard yellow sky, Sepia Browns, Bare, By the edge, Of the River Stour. Short poem by Professional Artist Samantha Adams. To explore my watercolours more why not get in touch and email me Sampoppy71@hotmail.com or phone 01747851561 to enquire.
A short YouTube video of the sky in blue with gathering cloud formations over the flat plains of the Blackmore vale in North Dorset cliTake a look at the sky
Learn to paint in style within the relaxed ,light and spacious Art garden studio set in Shaftesbury Saxon hilltop town of North Dorset-Enjoy homemade lunch four hours of tuition and all the art materials are included. Create wet in wet watercolours with professional watercolourist Samantha Adams. Cost £90 11am […]
Full of light,space and inspiration Learn to paint one to one in Watercolour with Samantha Adams watercolourist teaching for over ten years .Showing you how with simple techniques you can produce colour washes and detail no drawing just fun with colours, brushes and high quality watercolour paper. You can learn […]
This last YouTube video in the series of five is reflecting on my thoughts and feelings about my watercolour painting Enjoy Describing how I feel click on the blue lettering please 🙏🎨🌅🌞🙋🏻
Enjoy being creative in the Art garden studio situated in Shaftesbury hilltop town in North Dorset. Join Sam and Lin in our art with original works on show. Why not have a go at learning to paint in watercolour . We offer All day art experience or Afternoon of Art […]