Full of light,space and inspiration Learn to paint one to one in Watercolour with Samantha Adams watercolourist teaching for over ten years .Showing you how with simple techniques you can produce colour washes and detail no drawing just fun with colours, brushes and high quality watercolour paper. You can learn […]
Inspired by colours the sweep of beach at Arne nature reserve . All of Lin Adams original postcard impressions are on show in the Art garden studio-Shaftesbury North Dorset Sp78rd. Or email linartgardenstudio@icloud.com to enquire for prices .
Shipstall beach by Lin Adams ,
Teaching in the studio Click on the blue lettering and find out more .
Teaching in the studio ,

Allday art experience in the Art garden studio with Samantha Adams . Have a go at learning to paint 🎨 in Watercolour one to one or a couple tuition have a laugh with a friend or pick up your brush and get started again .Lifes to short and it’s so […]
Allday art experience

A watercolour original painting created by exspression,colour and finding and exploring a new watercolour technique.From my imagination take a look at my Artfinder link on the home page for enquiries email me sampoppy71@hotmail.com 🎨