Buy For a short time, Watercolour by Samantha Adams professional watercolour artist. on Artfinder. — Read on

I feel emotionally uplifted when I paint the skies .
Painting the skies by Sam Adams ,

Yes it’s become an everyday thought and study of light in the sky and many colours over the earth.Its so important to realise that it’s good for you.
An obsession,by Sam Adams ,
A short video on You tube of the sunset colours the other evening in September across the vale and from my back garden.September sunset skies.
September sunset skies by Sam Adams ,

I never want my view from my home to disappear the sunset skies make me feel happy,uplifted and contented to be here. Shaftesbury in North Dorset Saxon hilltop town .
“Sunset over the vale”by Sam Adams
Yesterday evening the colours were like a fantastical colour show in the sky.