The shaft of light lit up the fields of corn in a magical light effect. “Cornfields ” a short poem by Sam Adams ,This entry was posted in Art Journey and tagged cornfields emotion England landscape literature meanings original poem scene study watercolour words on 22/07/2015 by Sampoppy
Inspiring jurrassic coast of dorset .The fantasy is when I escape from my normal every day world and create from my visual memory. “Jurrassic fantasy”Sams art,This entry was posted in Art Journey and tagged coast dorset fantasy jurrassic original scene visual watercolour on 17/07/2015 by Sampoppy
Looking across the water from Arne it was a calm earthy view that I wanted to reflect back into my scene. “Looking across the water”Sams art,This entry was posted in Art Journey and tagged arne dorset earthy England estuary monochrome original purbecks reflect scene small view warm water watercolour on 14/07/2015 by Sampoppy
I wanted pretty tranquil colours in this scene inspired by the Dorset countryside . “Pink and blue”Lins art,This entry was posted in Art Journey and tagged blue countryside dorset England original painting pink scene on 14/07/2015 by Sampoppy
The dramatic Dorset Coast is so varied and interesting and this scene I could visualise in my imagination to create it. “Dramatic scene” Lins art,This entry was posted in Art Journey and tagged art coast create dorset dramatic England imagination original painting rocks scene sea on 29/05/2015 by Sampoppy
The medditeranean pines framed this scene perfectly as I discovered sitting along the sea front in Mallorca. “Holiday pics of northern Mallorca”by Sam Adams ,This entry was posted in Art Journey and tagged framed mallorca medditeranean pines scene sea tree view on 22/05/2015 by Sampoppy
I sat and looked and just had to paint the old building with bourgonvellia tumberling over it . “My hotel balcony view”Sams art.This entry was posted in Art Journey and tagged art balcony bourgonvellia building enchanting flowers hotel mallorca old original painting romantic scene trees view watercolour on 22/05/2015 by Sampoppy
I had to yeally feel the emotion in this scene as I had left North Cornwall a month or so ago .Its haunting ,atmospheric coastline you can never forget ! “Cornish cove collection “Lins Art,This entry was posted in Art Journey and tagged cliffs cornwall emotion media mixed north original painting scene on 25/04/2015 by Sampoppy