Another secret Dorset area .The Purbeck peninsular heathland.Far from the madding crowd. Lins acrylics ,one of a kind, unframed,mounted, £80 “Another secret” lins paintings,This entry was posted in Art Journey and tagged dorset heathland original painting peninsular purbeck secret on 24/04/2016 by Sampoppy
I’ve studied the dorset and new forest heath for years and the variation of colour and light is mind blowing.I have to paint! “Blaze of heat on the heath” Sams art,This entry was posted in Art Journey and tagged blaze comtempory dorset framed heat heathland original painting sunset technique watercolour wet on 19/02/2016 by Sampoppy
Wild heathland in dorset scene showing simplicity in winter. “Wild heath” Sams art,This entry was posted in Art Journey and tagged dorset heathland landscape monochrome original painting simplicity watercolour wild winter on 21/01/2016 by Sampoppy
Our art journey took us to the Arne and Coombe heath yesterday .The golden grasses shimmered on the purple heath and the view of the estuary ,Rempstone forest and the Purbeck hills beyond. “Coombe heath end of the summer”by Sam Adams,This entry was posted in Art Journey and tagged arne coombe dorset England golden grasses heath heather heathland hills landscape nature purbecks reserve rspb on 08/09/2015 by Sampoppy
A little original painting “on the heath” by Lin Adams Inspiring Dorset !This entry was posted in Art Journey and tagged dorset heathland inspiring on 08/03/2015 by Sampoppy