Eccliffe Never knew, Learning, Exploring, History, Constable stood here, Excited, That I have found this tucked away valley of the Stour. Short poem by Professional Artist Samantha Adams. Mum and I walked along the lane from the old brown railway bridge in Wyke with the babbling brook that leads into […]
Follow the path with Sam and lin , Continuing our art journey through the rustic ,romantic area of North Dorset mum and I found a lovely walk around the back of Wyke in Gillingham where Sir John Constable stayed and loved the old Mills in this area. The colours of […]
Wyke in Gillingham North Dorset.
The river stour can be sometimes found hidden in very secret places .The gracefulness of this river has a perfect ,natural,charm that weaves it’s way around Gillingham and was painted by Sir John constable on many a blue sky day.