Buy Wild summer meadow flowers and…, Watercolour by Samantha Adams on Artfinder. — Read on
Buy In the dandelion meadow, Watercolour by Samantha Adams professional watercolour artist. on Artfinder. — Read on
In the dandelion meadow | Artfinder
Buy In the meadow, Watercolour by Samantha Adams professional watercolour artist. on Artfinder. — Read on
In the meadow | Artfinder
Buy Butterflies and flowers by…, Watercolour by Samantha Adams professional watercolour artist. on Artfinder. — Read on
Butterflies and flowers by the sea | Artfinder
Buy Gatekeeper and the hollyhock, Watercolour by Samantha Adams professional watercolour artist. on Artfinder. — Read on
Gatekeeper and the hollyhock | Artfinder
The last of the summer butterflies in England are the red admirals I was delighted to see one in the enchanted tropical gardens of Abbotsbury in dorset by the chesil coast,
“Last of the butterfly’s “by Sam Adams,

I spent ages trying to take a picture of a tiny blue butterfly as they flutter a lot.
“Blue butterfly”by Sam Adams,

When the peacock butterfly arrives in the the summer you can not miss it’s strong eye catching wings.
“Peacock”Sams art,

I may not have a bowling green lawn but the Brimstone butterfly loves the dandelions and daisies !
“Dandelions & daisies”by Lin Adams ,

An original watercolour of the large blue butterfly on wild meadow grasses in Dorset !