The sun shines on the leafless trees but the march wind us biting and cold.We know they will become green again and the wind will turn to the south but are impatient for this to happen.
Went to beautiful Arne today with my my mum it was stunningly bright and sharp the light and the air was like ice. It is one of our favourite places to study for our paintings that we create.
This is one of my favourite places in Dorset to paint it’s soft colourful Purbeck hills and the earthy estuary with little pools and channels of light.
2 days idyll on the chesil beach and at shipstal point on the Arne peninsular.Beautiful autumn sunshine and golden light on the estuary-white diamond light on the sea.
Yesterday mum and I explored Arne RSPB as soon as we turned in the carpark where the picnic area is we saw a young fox rumidging around for food.This is a fab place to come to come especially in was it’s the Sika deers rutting season and an echoing moan […]