This last YouTube video in the series of five is reflecting on my thoughts and feelings about my watercolour painting Enjoy Describing how I feel click on the blue lettering please 🙏🎨🌅🌞🙋🏻
Daily archives: 11/02/2017
This short YouTube video the fourth in the series showing what I have created in Watercolour After the watercolour demonstration click on the blue lettering 🙏🎨🌅
After the watercolour demonstration
Watercolour art demonstration by Samantha Adams .Join me ,an experience I’d showing you what I can create from watercolour techniques,imagination and colours .This is the third YouTube video in the series -Enjoy 🙏🎨🌅🌞🙋🏻Watercolour art demonstration by Samantha Adams click on the blue lettering thanks 🙏
Watercolour art demonstration
Join me Samantha Adams in the Art garden studio .The build up to my watercolour art demonstration with me talking and describing what I’m going do this is the second video of five -Enjoy 🙏🎨🎨🌅🙋🏻 Join me Samantha Adams in the Art garden studio click on the blue lettering thanks 🙏
Join me Samantha Adams
A series of five you tube videos for anyone to see about the build up of preparing for an art demonstration in Watercolour by Samantha Adams in the Art garden studio where I’m very lucky to have this space to use thanks 🙏 mum and dad .Art garden studio today Click […]