The sea breeze intoxicated me with the soft sound of the waves as I weaved my way through the sand dunes and heather.
Yearly archives: 2015
Looking across from the high tops from Came Down this spectacular view of shimmering Portand .
“View from Came Down”by Sam Adams,
It’s an idyllic setting tucked away in sleepy dorset sits the Marshwood vale .Its tranquil,rustic and the pools of light sparkle on the earth.
“Marshwood vale “Sams art,
I wanted the scene to dazzle with light and the sunset over the poppies and daisies has nearly disappeared .
“Sunset over poppies and daisies”Sams art,
Poppy fields are pretty,stunning and full of colour.
“Poppy field ” Sams art,
Just down the hill from Shaftesbury sits Mere in a sleepy small town full of natural streams and interesting pathways for anyone that’s loves nature walks.
“Mere” by Sam Adams,
Pink light reflecting from sky through the trees and onto lake.
“pink light”Sams art,
The art garden in September is still got touches of pink valariem everywhere and I keep looking to see if a butterfly might drop in if it warms up a bit more.
“Art garden”by Sam Adams ,
The last of the summer butterflies in England are the red admirals I was delighted to see one in the enchanted tropical gardens of Abbotsbury in dorset by the chesil coast,
“Last of the butterfly’s “by Sam Adams,
The glide of the brush ,my new brush I just had to try out Diana ,kilinsky ,sable ,watercolour brush it was awesome .A watercolour of the “Dorset heath” using the ripple technique.