I dreamt of walking through a colourful poppy field with a magical sky.
Monthly archives: August 2015
Look at all the clouds in the sky taken from wiltshire looking across to dorset landscape.
“Look at all the clouds”by Sam Adams,
Came across this wild area on a walk not far from where I live .Dried ,golden grasses and thistles with fluffy tops.A huge exspance of sky where slits of light appeared ,flashes of blue and silvery grey to white soft clouds.
“Fields of gold “in watercolour by Sam Adams,
The red russet poppies on the creamy chalk hills.
“wild poppies”Sams art,
The fields of gold glistened and moved gently on the breeze .
“Fields of gold”by Sam Adams ,
On a sunday in summer tucked away in a sleepy valley is the sheltered Deverills .
“On a sunday”by Sam Adams ,
On a cool,windy day in July I left the Whistable oyster festival behind and walked on the pebble beach towards the Sea salter.
“Whistable”Lins art,
The vanilla ,earthy ,banana ,yellow sky appeared .
“Sunrise over dorset heath”Sams art,
I didn’t know I would create such a red sunset but I have .
“Red sunset”Sams art,
If you sit on a beach wherever you are just study the movement of the sea.